Thursday, October 30, 2008

My 3 year battle with an injury and the infamous "Redneck" boulder.

A brief overview of the past 3 years...

I was at HP40 back in Fall/Winter 05/06' working on Redneck in the far left image. When I was topping out, a sharp/hot pain shot from my shoulder blade to the base of my skull. I immediately came down from the topout, never truly getting the send.
From that day forward, I had what seemed to be severe whiplash symptoms and the range of motion in my neck was very minimal. Returning home I went to an immediate care center where they gave me all the Western painkillers, anti-inflammatories & muscle relaxers I would need.
A month later when the drugs wore off, all the symptoms returned. Masking the problem never solves the issue.
I saw western doctors for about a year and a half and no one was able to resolve my pain.
1.5-2 years into my injury, I saw a holistic healer , Peter Moscow. Now for the first time since the initial injury I was feeling better. After some time, I also got treatment from neuromuscular therapist, Julie Harper who helped with the physical trauma my soft tissue had received.
In the fall of Nov.07, I was visiting a friend of mine in Albuquerque, NM and he suggested I see his Sports Injury Specialist, Dr. David Peer. Upon seeing him, he looked at my MRI. I had a C5/C6 disc bulge and a pinched nerve in that area which was causing the hot sensation.
I received traction treatment to alleviate the pressure of my disc as well as rehydrate them.
I was now able to climb sporadically on easy problems, like once every two weeks to build back the muscle, tendon, ligament tissue that I had lost in the past 2.5 years.

The middle image was taken in Fall 06' when I thought no one was around. I was still injured at this point and went down to HP40 to hang with old friends and shoot some images. At the point this image was taken, I still thought it was climbing related injury and not from my car accident, so I had gone to make amends with the force that injured me.

The image on the right was taken on Oct.19th, 2008 when I returned to HP40 for a photoshoot and lay to rest my problem demon.
3 years after my initial injury, I finally got to topout "Redneck."

Thank you... Mandy Rhoden for taking the most recent photo.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Kings, Daughters & Sons show - Oct. 22nd, 2008

I had been in the southeast for a week climbing and shooting and this is the reason I came home a day early. Joe Manning and this band can lay it down.

They are getting ready to head into the studio to produce their first album, which will most likely be out in Spring 09.

Kings, Daughters & Sons Montage:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Horse Pens 40

A selection of images from HP40

Jay on Skywalker

Mark Osbourne on Slaboliscious boulder

Mandy Rhoden on Lowdown

Brooke "lil sis" Hadden on Lowdown

Mandy Rhoden on Slaboliscious

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rocktoberfest at "The Cove" RRG, KY 2008

Trying to stray from the crowds of the Rocktoberfestival, a small group of us ventured up to a place known as "The Cove."
It was here that Timy Fairfield got the FA of Covert Methods last November.

As the day wore on, more boulderers had the same mentality as we had.
My good friends Nate & Liz of Rock Candy Holds paid us a visit and pulled down on the overhanging sandstone.
Another good friend of mine "Adam Taylor" came by to get on Ghetto Methods & Covert Methods. Adam made the 4th ascent of the Covert.

Covert Methods sends to date:
1. Timy Fairfield
2. Jaime Emerson
3. Mark Osbourne.
4. Adam Taylor

Who says there's no bouldering in the RRG?

Now for some images:

Liz Yokum

Alyssa Hoeper

Nate Yokum "Hobbies Delight"

Mark Osbourne "Covert Methods"

Adam Taylor "Ghetto Methods"

Eric Gifford

Stephen Woodward

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mark Osbourne gets FA of "Black Widow"

The conditions were good for Mark, the light for me was shit.
Even so, I've posted a little 3 segment sequence shot of the First Ascent of "Black Widow" at Cave Run, KY.

Congratulations Mark.
5 year project has been laid to rest!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mondo 2.0: Alley Cat *Montage*

Little Montage of Saturdays alley cat race below.

Around 70 registered riders doubling last years amount.

The secret checkpoint was the last stop, where the first 12 riders to reach this point had to then carry an Extra Large Spinelli's Pizza back to the finshline at The Pink Door.

After the race, the trackstand, footdown, & trick comp ended the evening with much excitement and laughter.

Can't wait til next year. I'll be putting the camera down and racing myself.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

*NEW* Purchase Prints

I'm trying something new. It may only last a little while if I don't end up liking how this works, but alot of people have been asking me about prints of certain images from various trips and/or events. This is my attempt to make it as easy as possible for everyone to order prints.

Purchase Prints by Dan Lubbers Photographs

Check the site every couple days as new images are uploaded

If for some reason this doesn't work out, I'll just remove the purchase site and go back to the way things were. I'm curious of peoples feedback, so please leave comments.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mondo 2.0: Alley Cat - (Sat) Oct. 4th, 2008 - 6pm

The Mondo Crazy Alleycat Race is set for October 4th! Meet at the the Pink Door @6 p.m. Those who enter are given a map of checkpoints to ride to and then race back to the Pink Door for the finish. It's all for fun whether your out for first or just want to cruise.

The manifest are now up: Get your checkpoints here